!#Assuming You have READ & VERIFIED what the script contains
source <(curl -qfsSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pkgforge/metadata/main/soarpkgs/scripts/repology_fetcher.sh")
#The function itself is `repology_fetcher` but is aliased to `repology-fetcher` for convenience
#If you don't want to source it, just download and save it somewhere in $PATH
!#Run it with the app/pkg_name
repology-fetcher "pkg_name"
#Example: repology-fetcher "librewolf"
!#Add it using Soar
soar add "sbuild-linter" "shellcheck"
#Or Download manually & Add to Path: https://github.com/pkgforge/sbuilder/releases
!#Run it with /path/to/your/SBUILD
sbuild-linter "./example.SBUILD"
#If it's not successful, fix your errors
!#To get pkgver
sbuild-linter "./example.SBUILD" --pkgver
It is recommended you setup a sandbox or containerized environment before running arbitrary SBUILDs that have NOT been approved by a maintainer into pkgforge/soarpkgs
!#Add it using Soar
soar add "sbuild" "shellcheck"
#Or Download manually & Add to Path: https://github.com/pkgforge/sbuilder/releases
!#Run it with /path/to/your/SBUILD
sbuild "./example.SBUILD" --log-level "verbose" --keep --outdir "./SBUILD-TEST"
#If it's not successful, fix your errors