
Issues related to fonts

In attempt to minimize size & cater to all Locales/Fonts, Packages aren't shipped with Fonts/Icons.

Instead, they use the fonts from the Host.

Installing Fonts on AlpineLinux
!#Use doas/sudo wherever applicable
apk update --no-interactive
packages="fontconfig font-awesome font-inconsolata font-noto font-terminus font-unifont"
for pkg in $packages; do apk add "$pkg" --latest --upgrade --no-interactive ; done
fc-cache --force --verbose || sudo fc-cache --force --verbose
#Ideally logout/login again or Restart your system

Installing Fonts on ArchLinux
!#Use doas/sudo wherever applicable
pacman -y --sync --refresh --noconfirm
packages="fontconfig noto-fonts otf-font-awesome terminus-font ttf-dejavu ttf-inconsolata-nerd"
for pkg in $packages; do pacman -Sy "$pkg" --noconfirm ; done
fc-cache --force --verbose || sudo fc-cache --force --verbose
#Ideally logout/login again or Restart your system

Installing Fonts on Debian
!#Use doas/sudo wherever applicable
sudo apt update -y -qq && sudo apt install fontconfig fonts-noto -y
fc-cache --force --verbose || sudo fc-cache --force --verbose
#Ideally logout/login again or Restart your system

Last updated